ポケモン トレーディング カード ゲームの仕組み?
9月 1, 2023
- The Pokemon Trading Card Game involves players using decks of cards to battle against each other, much like in the video game version.
- Each deck must have a minimum of 60 カード, including Pokemon cards, Trainer cards, そしてエネルギーカード.
- Players take turns attacking and defending with their chosen Pokemon, using Trainer cards to provide extra support or Energy cards to power up attacks.
- The game ends when one player defeats all of the other player’s Pokemon or when the opponent runs out of cards in their deck.
Looking to Wholesale Pokemon Cards?
- We are a professional wholesale Pokemon cards distributor and welcome inquiries from local distributors and resellers. Please contact us via email, ワッツアップ, または当社ウェブサイトにメッセージを残してください.
- We offer a wide selection of authentic Pokemon cards at competitive prices, and our customer service team is dedicated to providing the best support and resources possible.
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